About Farmhero.io
Farmhero.io is a novel protocol that mixes NFT, gaming and DEFI concepts. Community can contribute and earn in a various of ways, including but not limited to, Yield Farming, NFT farming and/or NFT trading with our CUTE IP-owned NFT, bug bounty, join the incubators, playing the house games, or simply copy and paste referral link and send to friends.
Farmhero Defi has in-house games that strongly support HERO token price to ensure a long-term, continuous token model. Currently FarmHero has FOMO and Auction Games to help burn the token continuously. FarmHero has a roadmap to include more traits and varieties to the NFTs, such as blind box, customised market places, 3D VR showcase of the NFT etc.
Quick Fact About Farmhero Defi
Coin Basic | Information |
DEFI Coin Name | Farmhero Defi |
Short Name | HONOR |
Circulating Supply | N/A |
Max Supply | 500,000,000 |
Source | Click Here To View Source |
Explorers | Click Here To Visit |
Twitter Group | Click Here To Visit Twitter Group |
Documentation | Click Here To View |
Project Support | 24/7 |
Official Project Website | Click Here To Visit Project Website |
Getting Super Powers
FarmHero is a novel protocol that mixes NFT, gaming and DEFI concepts. The team aims to build a healthy, long-run community that different people can find different fun.
Community can contribute and earn in a various of ways, including but not limited to, yield farming, NFT farming, NFT trading, bug bounty, join the incubators, playing the house games, or simply copy and paste your referral link and send to friends. Yet, use the protocol with caution and strategy, as earnings are not guaranteed.
Why we are called Farm Hero?
FarmHero’s continuous token ecosystem are built upon renowned yield farms. Safety comes first. Candidates are pancake swap on binance smart chain, sushi swap on ethereum, quicks wap on matic, mdex on binance smart chain and heco, salmon swap on tron, and more.
The FarmHero NFT will have different properties. Currently available are Genesi NFT series. Later on, the team will provide more ways to acquire different kinds of NFT.
NFT MarketPlace
There will be an internal NFT market plance because FarmHERO team want to add more fun to the NFT! Each NFT will have a talent, and will be able to wear equipment, or upgrade, etc! Stay updated!
The Auction Game
In the Auction Game, users will use $HONOR token to bid for the prize pot. Those prize are partial sales from vaults. For more details regarding the prize pool, read the farming page.
Auction Ends Rules (Pot distribution)
- There will be a round countdown timer for the auction game, initially started with 5 minutes. When the timer counts down to 0, the auction ends. The last bidder will win. Each successful bid will add 1 minute to the round timer, to a hard cap of 15 minutes.
- On each round end, 80% of the prize pot will be sent to the last bidder, 20% of the pot will be rolled over to the next round.
- Farmhero.io round is preceded with a 5-minute starting grace period when bids are not permitted. This is to help users to know what is going on and get ready for next round.
The Fomo Game
Initial Liquidity
Upon genesis launch, the protocol will mint HONOR together with the same amount of Key and add them to QuickSwap, at this time, 1 KEY = 1 HONOR.
There is a 5% sale tax on $KEY. When you sell $KEY, 5% of the $KEY will be burnt. Because of the change, when selling $KEY, the slippage needs to be adjusted to at least 7%.
Farmhero.io pot funds will be partial $Quick generated from vaults. For more details, check the farming page.
Game Rules
(The updated game rules are revised to make the game fairer and alleviate the bot’s interference of the games’ fairness.) Users can buy $Key using $HONOR. They can purchase directly in the FarmHero App or on QuickSwap.
There is a countdown timer for each round. Initially the timer counts down from 24 hours. User can deposit $Key to add time to the countdown timer. Any $Key deposit with amount bigger than 1 will reset the timer back to 24 hours.
There is a max 1000 KEY per purchase to avoid whale front-run. This amount can be adjusted when the game is stable to make the purchase easier.
Farmhero.io Deposited Keys grant instant dividends on all volume that flows through a round, meaning users will constantly receive a stream of passive income from the game as keys are bought until a round ends.
Percentage | Usage of the deposited $KEY token |
50% | Burnt |
45% | Distributed to previous users who have deposited $KEY in current round |
5% | referral rewards |
Round Ends (Pot Distribution)
The last player to have deposited at least 1 full key when the round timer completes its countdown, immediately drains 80% of the prize seen in the pot and ends the round. The last player and all people who have burnt Keys in the round will share the prize. The rest of the 20% prize pot will be carried over to next round.
Usage | Percentage |
Roll to Next Round | 20% |
Winner (last-key buyer) | 30% |
All Key Holders that burns Keys within the round | 50% |
Resetting the KEY Price
Keys price will be reset on round ends. The FarmHero Protocol will use a ‘reweight’ mechanism to adjust the $KEY-$HONOR pair price on pancake back to 1 million KEY and 1 million HONOR . Extra $HONOR will be burnt.
Setting up a Referral
The FarmHero Defi referral system is called the “PlayerBook. To join, click the “Get A Name” link at the top and then pick a nickname for yourself. Joining the board costs 10 MATIC which is contributed to the “community fund” and distributed to developers and community staff. Note that you must register a nickname name to receive referral rewards in your vault.
The referral relationship will establish once: 1. your referral joins any one of the farms, 2. your referral burns any key.
You will earn: 1. 3% extra $HONOR whenever your referral claims any freshly minted $HONOR. These extra $HONOR are considered fresh minted $Hero as well. 2. 5% of all the $KEY put into the Fomo Game by anyone that joins through your link.
Farmhero.io extra referral fees are all at NO cost to those who uses your link. Referral links used by players are stored within the smart contract itself meaning that you will receive the referral fee for buys from all players you referred even across browsers or different computers ensuring that those marketing the game can receive substantial residual income over time from players.
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