About Eizper Chain Airdrop
Eizper Chain Airdrop is a blockchain action multiplayer role-playing game produced and published by , powered by Sangnila. It is the first game in the gaming franchise. This is giving away a total of $5,000 worth of EIZ tokens to lucky giveaway participants. Sign up for the giveaway and complete simple tasks to earn entries. Also earn more entires for referring your friends. A total of 250 participants will be randomly selected to win $20 worth of EIZ each.
Eizper Chain gameplay contains synergy between adventure and arena battles. In the adventures, players roam the fast world of They guided by an enticing epic story full of twist and turn. While in arena battles, players may compete against each other in battle events in hope of getting handsome rewards and recognition.
How To Join Age Of YOP Airdrop
First Step
Visit the Retrograde airdrop eligibility checker page.
Second step
Submit your Terra address.
Third Step
If you’re eligible, then you will be able to claim RETRO on November 11th, 2022.
Fourth Step
Non-lockdrop ASTRO-UST liquidity providers and users who held ASTRO by March 30th, 2022, Astroport Bootstrap Auction participants and Astroport Lockdrop participants are eligible for the airdrop.
Fifth Step
For more information regarding the airdrop, see this Medium article.
In an Adventure, you will meet a variety of NPC characters each with their own unique personalities and stories. From courageous miners, eccentric medics, crooked officials, all the way to colorful merchants with all sort of wares and trade. Talk to them, understand their needs and desires, dreams and destiny, and help them live their lives.
For competitive players, Eizper Chain also provides access to PvP. Make the most of this feature by visiting the Warrior’s Den in Windenfel. Register yourself, prepare top equipments, and get ready to fight for gold and glory. In Arena Battle, you can choose to face off against the various monsters who inhabit Eizper’s world, or challenge fellow players to combat, in a triumph of skills or fall of surrender.
Start a Guild by purchasing a Guild Emblem, or join one and play with your friends. Go on missions together, explore dungeons, or even challenge other guilds in a seamlessly integrated arena unique to Eizper Chain. In addition, you can try various types of weapons, armor, and skill crystals from your guild members by borrowing or gifting them. Venture down deep dangerous dungeons, and contribute to your guild to become a top player.
Every legend began with a story, and every story began with a word. Here are the words of Eizper, spoken by mouth and handed down by minds, transcribed and written meticulously by quills and scrolls over the Ages.
Kriss is an orphan who grew up at the Regenfall Miner’s Home. While most of the other orphans were left with little to nothing of precious value, Kriss was left with his father’s Blade at the age of 7. His parents left Windenfel quickly and mysteriously, entrusting Kriss in the care of Louisa and Cael Regenfall.
Kriss often daydreams of all kinds of adventures, but sometimes he dreams of the one adventure where he would meet his parents again. Despite the trauma of being left behind by his parents, Kriss maintains a good-natured vibe even in the most dangerous mining escapades. When he is not mining, he is training under Rudion’s supervision.
Kriss is always trying to get his hair under control, but it has a life of its own.
He believes his adventures will one day lead him to his parents again.
Sometimes people find his determined positive attitude to be annoying.