About Neptune Defi
Neptune Defi Mutual is a blockchain cover protocol that safeguards the Ethereum community from cyber threats to contemporary financial products. The goals of Neptune are clearly defined, it is about creating the best possible experience between investor and developer. Neptune aims to create an ECO system in which exactly that is possible through, for example, the first utility: an Audit & KYC platform to protect investors and developers. This platform is already close to release and will be fully functional by the end of 2021.
Another great aspect of Neptune are the “Moonlandings” which you can find on the website. Here with every milestone new exciting things are unlocked for investors. For example, at 500 holders the Golden Hour for 0% tax for one hour. With this we ensure that the project remains interesting for investors even in the longevity that we foresee for it, because you never know what is hidden behind the next “door”.
So the ecosystem of Neptune is mainly focused on the user experience of investors as well as project managers and developers and we will continue to strengthen the market in this direction by trying to expand ecosystem every quarter and strengthen it in the existing niches.
Quick Fact About Neptune
Coin Basic | Information |
DEFI Coin Name | Neptune |
Circulating Supply | N/A |
Max Supply | N/A |
Token symbol | NPTUN |
Source Code | Click Here To View Source Code |
Explorers | Click Here To Visit |
Twitter Group | Click Here To Visit Telegram Group |
Documentation | Click Here To View |
Official Project Website | Click Here To Visit Project Website |
NPM Token Risk
The Neptune Mutual Cover Protocol is a high-risk project. Please understand that the price of NPM tokens may not reflect the development, business, usage or any value related to Neptune Mutual. NPM may not have any intrinsic value per se and can go to zero and your participation in NPM token may be lost. NPM tokens should not be considered as any investment agreement, securities, bonds, loans, stocks, unit trust, unit of collective investment scheme, or in any manner of financial instruments. .
They do not advise, suggest, or indicate the token to have any intrinsic, financial, or investment-worthy value. No action has been or will be taken in respect of obtaining any approval under any laws, rules or regulatory requirement in any competent jurisdictions. They do not have a public token sale date or plans at the moment.
Reduce Your Exposure to Crypto Market Risks
Choose a cover pool, select its duration, and enter how much you need to cover. Instantly receive your claims payout in stablecoin after incident resolution.
AMA with Neptune Mutual Community
The first AMA with the Neptune Mutual community was held in Discord, where the founders responded to the community’s questions.
Welcome to the Neptune Mutual SDK quick-start guide. If you are new to Neptune Mutual, you might want to first read the documentation. After completing these initial steps, you will be ready to start developing on top of Neptune Mutual protocol using Typescript or Javascript. They assume that you have fundamental understanding of javascript, node, git, solidity, evm, ethers/web3, and other related technologies.
Multiple Blockchain Support
Since the SDK supports multiple blockchains, you may want to quickly check the list of supported chain ids before you actually implement anything.
Provider Configuration
In the upcoming documents, you will see that they are passing the provider argument whenever they perform a write operation on the blockchain. You may want to create a standalone provider.js file and reuse it whenever required.
Create a New Cover
This example shows how to create a new cover contract on Neptune Mutual protocol on your chosen network/chain. Before anyone can supply liquidity to a cover, you’ll also need to deploy its vault
In the Neptune Mutual Protocol, a cover incident must go through a governance process to reach a resolution. Once an incident is reported, the resolution can be either Incident Occurred or False Reporting. The protocol is designed to punish users who try to cheat the governance system by confiscating all their stakes. To incentivize participation, the users who report in the governance system may earn some extra NPM rewards in a very short span of time (usually one week).
Liquidity Providers
Along with the creation of a new cover contract, a dedicated liquidity pool is also constituted. Each liquidity pool is jointly owned by the liquidity providers who supply the liquidity, share in the gains, and bear the loss together in the event of a cover incident. The liquidity pool is not owned by the Neptune Mutual protocol.
Purchasing Covers
Anyone who holds 1 NPM token or higher can purchase a cover contract for up to 3 months in the future. No KYC is required
Protocol Fees
The protocol automatically deducts 6.5% of the cover fees and claims payout. The primary objective of the fee and income generation is to bootstrap and own liquidity long term and fund cover pools. For better community engagement, a portion of this fee is also rewarded to governance reporters.