About Oglnetpay.com
Oglnetpay.com is a trading name of Ojibras Global Limited, a company registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission since 2007 with registration number RC 689692. We exchange Perfect money and other e-currencies into local Nigerian currency (Naira) and also into USD at a very competitive price. They also exchange Perfect Money to and from bitcoin and litecoin. Other currencies that can be bought for local bank transfer in Nigeria includes Paypal, Bitcoin, Litecoin.
They can correct your mistake, if the exchange is not completed yet. However, they will not be liable for any loss of money, if you send us incorrect account number after completing transactions.
Automated exchanger
Oglnetpay.com currency exchange works in semi-automatic mode. Exchange request execution time is up to 48 hours, depending on the workload of the accounting.
Best Rates on the market
They supply e-Currency in retail and wholesale price, they can supply unlimited quantity with very low price with faster way.
Reasonable Charges
Compared to same kind of payment companies like Oglnetpay.com , they have minimum charges.
Currency Exchange
Free exchange among five major Fiats at the real-time exchange rate
Secured Transactions
After the transaction is confirmed for the second time, the payment amount will be sent to the payee account.
Oglnetpay.com never make exchange through communications unrelated with site, and never send from official email Exchangezone.eu requests with offers to founds exchange. All transactions take place exclusively on website and exclusively at the request of the user! And website communication take place only through Online Chat of website. Safety first!
Good Feedbacks
Most of users are recommended by other users, and they are very proud of it. Through high quality service, they have established a good reputation. Please take a look at the feedbacks from users all over more than 20 countries. Till now they have over 2 thousands of users registered.
Click Here To Visit Oglnetpay.com
This article is writing on 07 Mar 2019 based on information available online & news portal. If you feel it’s outdated or incorrect, please write here to update it. Mail us: support@digitalworldstory.com Or Whatsaap Us At- 918077121282[/su_quote]
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