About Remitano Airdrop
Established in 2015 , Remitano Airdrop provides P2P escrowed cryptocurrency marketplace where people can buy or sell Bitcoin and altcoins fast & securely with friendly 24/7 online customer support. Remitano is trusted in more than 30 countries around the world and is being constantly developed and expanded every day. Remitano is airdropping free RENEC to users who download the app and mine. Download the Remitano app for Android or IOS and mine every day to receive free RENEC.
Remitano provides escrowed P2P Bitcoin marketplace where people buy and sell Bitcoin easily and safely with notable simple UI, friendly online customer support 24/7 and lowest fee compared with major players on the market. Our team is comprised mostly by banking professionals with extensive experience in financial products, E-currencies, Payment System and Agile Software Development, and others.
How To Join Remitano Airdrop
First Step
Download Remitano app on Google Play or App Store.
Second step
Create an account and verify your mobile number.
Third Step
Choose “Mining RENEC” in the menu and then “Scroll down to mine RENEC” and tap the button “Mine RENEC” to receive the airdrop.
Fourth Step
You will get 0.24 RENEC per day.
Enjoy up to two levels of income
When refer your friend to Remitano.40% transaction fee bonus for 1st tier referrals and 10% transaction fee bonus for 2nd tier referrals.
Escrow process protects your Bitcoin trade
When you open a trade, the specified amount of Bitcoins you wish to buy are transfered from the seller’s wallet and held locked on Remitano’s escrow service. Now you can send payment to the seller without being worry of not receiving Bitcoin.•Bitcoin are locked until seller confirms the payment•In case of problems, our support team will resolve base on evidences provided by both sides.
Each blockchain will have a specific scalability capacity. With the initial blockchain, we don’t expect it to be huge. But since the network is designed to be extensible from the beginning, we will be adding multiple new blockchain technologies to the network, allowing it to achieve the level of scalability second to none.
Cross-chain communication
In order for RENEC token to be utilized on different technologies, every blockchain in the Remitano Network will need to implement cross-chain communication capability, allowing a specific amount of token to be locked on a blockchain and simultaneously unlocked on the other blockchain.
Auto checksum wallet
Addresses without checksum have cost many users serious loss of money. Remitano Network takes this issue seriously and all addresses on the network will have checksum capability. If you type just one letter wrong in the address, the transaction will be stopped and no loss will happen. Also, Remitano Network uses a distinctive address format compared to other networks, so that it’s impossible to incorrectly send your coin to an address that your wallet or exchange can’t (or not willing to) recover.
Mis-sending has happened a lot in the past due to similarity in address format among BTC/BCH/LTC, ETH/BSC. The current draft of the address format is renec [CHAINCODE][20bytesAddressPubkeyHash][Checksum]
They will see if it need to be improved until the launch of the first mainnet
4 products have been initially planned to be developed on the Remitano Network. All products will be running on 1 single node software. So when a new blockchain is added to the network, users only need to download the new node software and replace the existing one. The node software shall be available on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
Low fee decentralized P2P electronic cash with multisig capability
The first blockchain offers just a simple ability to transfer RENEC token from one person to another. The network will also support wrapped tokens, which are other coins wrapped on the network. The wrapped tokens are similar to the ERC20 tokens on Ethereum, except it will be much more simpler. You can’t do crazy smart contracts with it yet.
The network will also support multisig wallets, allowing multiple people to co-control a wallet. We don’t offer a lot of crazy things in the first blockchain, except a built-in ability for the tokens to be transferred to the next blockchain. RENEC token will be premined 100% and all circulating token will be airdropped to users who joined the mining program prior to the launch of mainnet. The rest of the token will be burned to ensure the fair distribution and limited supply of the token. There will be no ICO or IEO. You need to join the mining program to own RENEC token.
The P2P electronic cash will be using Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) which is one of the most efficient consensus protocols so far. DPoS is the consensus protocol powered EOS, Tron and Cardano network
Low fee decentralized tokens exchange
The second blockchain will be featuring a decentralized tokens exchange. Remitano.com will be providing a gateway where users will be able to convert between tokens and its equivalent assets, so users can then transfer to the decentralized tokens exchange to be able to swap any tokens easily and cheaply.
A pair that swap from/to RENEC token will incur a fee that is only 40% to a pair that doesn’t. If a pair featuring RENEC token, the swap fee will always be collected in RENEC token. In other case, the swap fee is always collected on the receiving amount.
Low fee decentralized escrow service
The third blockchain will be a decentralized escrow, which allows the transacting between fiat and crypto securely. Although it’s generally believed that it’s possible to skip KYC on the decentralized escrow, it’s known that KYC provides necessary protection from fraud money. So although it’s a decentralized solution, there will be oracles on the network that provide KYC information and seller will be able to require buyers to complete KYC with at least an oracle among his trusted list to be able to perform in the escrow. An escrow on RENEC token incur 0.4% in fee paid to the arbitrator. An escrow of other token will incur 1% fee paid to the selected arbitrator.
Low fee smart contracts system
The fourth blockchain will be a full-ledge smart contract with the ability to perform sophisticated contracts, similar to the one on the Ethereum network. RENEC token will be used to pay for gas to run contract on the network.
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