About aMLP Coin
aMLP Coin Using a derivative to tie the value to an already existing asset and then create a token for this derivative, investors can easily trade anything on the blockchain. Mint Synth and stake to your platform to earn higher yield than holding traditional crypto asset. Holding synths will open the gate to the SpaceShipX Ecosystem in the future. They are a synthetics platform that aims to provide a more tasteful variety of synthetic assets for users. Earn high yield without impermanent loss while still holding the same value of your locked collateral.
aMLP Coin Point Table
Coin Basic | Information |
Coin Name | aMLP Coin |
Short Name | AMLP |
Circulating Supply | N/A |
Max Supply | 70,297 |
Source Code | Click Here To View Source Code |
Explorers | Click Here To View Explorers |
Twitter Page | Click Here To Visit Twitter Group |
Whitepaper | Click Here To View |
Support | 24/7 |
Official Project Website | Click Here To Visit Project Website |
Yes, in the future, they will deploy more synths of popular tokens and none crypto-native assets, creating more investment opportunities for users. This is not company, but open-source project that aims to fill a gap in the cryptocurrency ecosystem: to provide an exchange platform which follows the same principles as Bitcoin itself.
A unique incentive mechanism is set up to support the project. Transaction fees go in part to the developers and in part to the arbitrators in the event of disputes, arbitrators collect the security deposit of the losing party (or in some cases half the deposit of each party).
XSHARE is the core ecosystem token. It will be used for minting/redeeming synths and will give users access to a variety of features on our platform as outlined in the docs. At first, incentive for liquidity providers will be in the form of XSHARE token.
In Q4, shortly after launch, they will deploy your Investment Vault to boost protocol revenue and distribute to users. This pushes toward sustainable Real Yield and reduces your reliance on token emissions. This would mean minimal inflation of XSHARE as well.
Why Choose aMLP?
The security deposit will be derived from the arbitration fee which will be used as payment to the arbitrator only in case of a dispute resolution. If no dispute is opened, this deposit is returned in whole to each trader. The security deposit serves also as an incentive to follow the protocol (e.g. to ensure Bob is not lazy or careless and forgets to release the payout transaction) as well as a mechanism to ensure a dishonest trader is forced to pay the costs for arbitration.
Where Can You Buy aMLP?
Tokens Can Be Purchased On Most Exchanges. One Choice To Trade Is On MM Finance(Polygon) As It Has The Highest AMLP/XSHARE. e Trading Volume, $8,947 As Of February 2021. Next is OKEx, With A Trading Volume Of $6,180,82. Other option To Trade Include AMLP/XSHARE And Huobi Global. Of Course, It Is Important To Note That Investing In Cryptocurrency Comes With A Risk, Just Like Any Other Investment Opportunity.
Market Screenshot
aMLP Supported Wallet
Several Browser And Mobile App Based Wallets Support aMLP. Here Is Example Of Wallet Which aMLP – Trust Wallet For Hardware Ledger Nano.
Where I Can Find aMLP Whitepaper?
You Can Find aMLP Whitepaper By Clicking Here.
Where I Can Buy/Sell Balancer Token?
You Can Buy or Sell Balancer Token On Some Popular Exchange For Example – MM Finance(Polygon).
What is Circulating Supply Of Balancer Token?
Circulating Supply Of Balancer Token Is N/A.