About Blastoff Finance
Blastoff Finance is the most complete RFI static reflection token on the market and the first of its kind to distribute rewards to NFT owners. The Blastoff Finance DApp launched with 2 liquidity farms to distribute tokens. There are also NFT farms to claim the reward-generating NFT’s. The NFT farms start when liquidity pool reaches a threshold. Blastoff FInance will keep adding new features to our DApp new in the world of DeFi. While creating new products for DApp they focus on ease of use, user security, and reducing fees while driving up APY’s with innovative solutions.
Quick Fact About Blastoff Finance
Coin Basic | Information |
DEFI Coin Name | Blastoff Finance |
Short Name | NFT |
Circulating Supply | N/A |
NFT Reward | 50% |
Source | Click Here To View Source |
Explorers | Click Here To Visit |
Twitter Group | Click Here To Visit Twitter Group |
Documentation | Click Here To View |
Project Support | 24/7 |
Official Project Website | Click Here To Visit Project Website |
How to buy Blastoff
Before you can buy BLAST, you need to have BNB or BUSD available in your metamask (or other) wallet. If you don’t have BNB or BUSD in your wallet yet, get started here.
Prefer to follow a detailed video on how to buy BLAST tokens? Check our YouTube guide here.
1. Connect to PancakeSwap
The Blastoff token can be bought on several decentralized exchanges. We recommend buying on PancakeSwap, because it is the biggest and best known exchange on the BSC network.
Once you have installed the MetaMask and are connected with the Binance Smart Chain let’s go to Pancake swap and connect your wallet with the exchange.
Next a pop-up from MetaMask will pop-up asking you to connect your wallet to the Pancake DApp. Go a head and click on “Next” button and the on the “Connect” button.
3. Swap tokens for BLAST
Fantastic! You are now connected with the PancakeSwap exchange. Now go to the exchange page of pancake to start buying Blastoff. Once you are on the exchange page you need to click on “Select a currency”:
Next a pop-up will open where you can select the token you want to buy. For now Blastoff is not included into the default list, so you need to add the token yourself. The only thing you have to do for this, is to copy the below contract address and paste into the search bar of the pop-up.
Because Blastoff Finance is a static reflection token and 10% of every transaction is used for this they need to do one more thing. Click on the settings of the Pancake swap window.
In this window they need to increase the slippage tolerance to 12% otherwise the transaction will fail. Once you have set the slippage to 12% you are ready to buy and trade BLAST tokens. Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of BLAST tokens. You can add them in your Metamask wallet with the BLAST address and a decimal factor of 9.
How to farm Blastoff
1. First obtain some BLAST tokens
First you need to obtain some BLAST tokens. If you are not clear on how to buy some BLAST tokens please visit our How to buy page. You will also need some BNB or BUSD tokens to get liquidity pool tokens on Pancake swap.
2. Add liquidity
Once you have BLAST and BNB (or BUSD) tokens you can go to the liquidity page of Pancake swap and click on the “Add liquidity” buttons.
Next you need to enter the amount of Blast tokens you want to provide as liquidity. You will need to provide BNB (or BUSD) for the same amount as BLAST and add it together as liquidity.
3. Stake your LP tokens
Fantastic! You just provided liquidity on pancake swap and now own some LP tokens. With these LP tokens you can start farming more BLAST tokens. All you need to do now is go to Farms page, click on Approve contract, click on stake, enter an amount and you are ready to go!
Rewards for NFT holders
The Blastoff token is the first deflationary token that distributes rewards to NFT holders. Per transaction 1% of the fees will go to the NFT holders.
Community driven
The community will have full control over the burn, LP lock, NFT fee and distribution fee.
RFI Static rewards
Currently every transaction 2% of the fees are redistributed to our holders using static reflection, as passive rewards. Your Blastoff will keep growing!
Dev team tokens locked
The team tokens are locked and vested over a 120 day period. The marketing funds are only accessible with a community vote.
Automated burn and LP lock
Currently every transaction, 5% will be locked as liquidity and 2% will be burned.
What’s next?
NFT Rewards claiming – June ’21
The Blastoff Finance NFT’s generate rewards basted on the trading volume. In June they launch the page to view and claim pending reward.
Blastoff NFT farms – July ’21
Launch of the Blastoff NFT farms where you lock LP tokens to claim a reward generating Blastoff NFT.
Easy farming solutions – July ’21
Easy (one-click) farming solutions for the Basltoff farm and 3rd party DeFi products.
Blastoff hodl pools – Aug ’21
Battle of the hodlers, earn rewards by beating paper hand. The Blastoff hodl pools will be available for all major cryptocurrencies
Blastoff governance – Aug ’21
Launch of the Blastoff governance page for community controlled protocol changes and marketing requests.
Fractional NFT’s – Sept ’21
Break up your NFT’s into multiple tradable shares and earn trading fees on the volume on your NFT.
Blastoff vaults – Okt ’21
Blastoff vaults that use one or more 3rd party protocols to get the maximum APY with minimal fees.
Blastoff governance vault – Okt ’21
A vault to deposit your BLAST tokens and receive a share of all the fees made on the platform.
Token launch pad – Jan ’22
Blastoff token launch pad to launch new rug pull proof tokens including liquidity farms to release the token.
Contract Audits
Blastoff Finance take security very serious. They already took every measure to create clean code, but first thing on the agenda is Audits by security professionals.
Much more
Blastoff will not stop there and create much more innovative DeFi products to simplify usage and generate high yields for the users.
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