About Btctenge.com
Btctenge.com Here you can exchange, sell, buy popular electronic and crypto-currencies: Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ETH, Zcash ZEC, Litecoin LTC, Dash DSH, Perfect Money PM, Advanced Cash, Payeer with the help of any RK banks: Qazkom, Sberbank, Kaspi Bank, Halyk Bank, ATFBank, Bank of Astana and any other banks of Kazakhstan (Visa / MasterCard KZT), as well as through electronic payment systems. All settlements in Kazakhstan with the participation of banks are conducted only in tenge, settlements involving payment systems are conducted in dollars and euros.
Btctenge.com online exchanger has automatic and semi-automatic exchange directions. Automatic exchange directions are performed around the clock at any time and do not require the participation of the operator. Semiautomatic directions for the exchange require the participation of the operator and are performed during the operator’s working hours from 12:00 to 01:00 by the time of Almaty, usually an exchange with the participation of banks (the client manually transfers money to the bank card of the exchanger -> the operator checks the receipt -> transfers client electronic or Crypto currency by pressing one button in the admin panel). At the moment we have more than 130 different exchange destinations and this list is constantly updated and updated.
The date of the foundation of exchanger is August 30, 2017. During the time of our work we have earned a lot of positive feedback on authoritative monitoring exchangers such as BestChange, Course Expert, Glazok and others, as well as the popular P2P exchanger LocalBitcoins. We have been working with LocalBitcoins since December 2016, the volume of transactions was 100-250 BTC, working there we decided to open offline exchanger not only Bitkoyn, but also other altcoins and electronic currencies.
Secure Internet connection
The exchanger BTCtenge has a secure Internet connection, the software is constantly updated by the developers, on the basis of this exchanger script there are dozens of online exchangers with reserves of more than 10 000 000 USD. If you want to open your online exchanger and start working as well, then the script as we can buy on the site premiumexchanger.com.
Sending a crypto currency (BitCoin or Ethereum) takes 5 to 120 minutes during business hours. Confirmation of the transaction on the network does not depend on us and can be from 10 minutes to several days or even weeks.
They have many reviews on the popular P2P exchanger bitcoin LocalBitcoins.
The account: localbitcoins.com/accounts/profile/system002
By clicking on the link you can check the administrator’s reputation and see independent reviews.
Also you can look and leave your feedback on the independent monitoring of exchangers:
Fast Payment
Make payment within 60 minutes (via Internet banking, through the cashier’s bank or through the terminal, as convenient for you), and press the “I paid” button, wait for the application processing by the operator.
Such a concept as a commission is not used, all of our commissions are put into courses. We set our buying and selling rates depending on the situation on the market, so before buying, look at the courses on other exchangers. For example, you can choose the most profitable courses on the most popular monitoring of exchangers BestChange.ru The courses are usually one of the most profitable in Kazakhstan.
Click Here To Visit Btctenge.com
su_quote]This article is writing on 30 Jan 2019 based on information available online & news portal. If you feel it’s outdated or incorrect, please write here to update it. Mail us: support@digitalworldstory.com Or Whatsaap Us At- 918077121282[/su_quote]
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