This week we bring our readers another set of newly listed coins on CoinMarketCap. These Cryptos have added more choices to cryptoshere to deepen the strength of the ecosystem.
As we have always stated, do your due diligence, get to understand them and make prudent decisions concerning investing in them. The ball is in your court, folks.
Grin (GRIN)
According to Gendarme, a community member of Grin, It’s about making Alice grin again. Alice, being the defenceless girl who can’t venture out into the dangerous woods to give her friend Bob—who lives on the other side of the river—that which is his, without risking getting caught by the big bad bully, has now regained her financial freedom.
“Thanks to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, she has now learned the tongue-tying curse that allows Bob to receive coins from her. When I say tongue-tying I am not exaggerating; this is tongue-tying for all of us,” Gendarme defined.
The underlying technology is a Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant system that achieves global consensus by distributing the transactions in linked blocks stamped with proof-of-work hashes in order to both settle disputes and act as a Sybil control mechanism. Gendarme revealed ten years ago, the first system of this kind was implemented, but the technology in those days was lacking so the transactions could not be private, therefore, Alice could not send money to Bob without The Ministry of Plenty finding out, but now she can—and that is what everyone is celebrating!
The community sees GRIN somewhere near block height 2,600,000 with enough grins in the world for everyone in the next five years. They also believe not just Alice and Bob will be smiling.
This was Gendarme’s message to the Grin community:
“Hold me tight and let’s dance, baby!”
Hercules (HERC)
Hercules decentralized supply chain management software permits users to generate a perpetual and shared record that grants immutability, and more importantly, trust for the consumer.
“Hercules protocol was originally created out of the need to validate the integrity of gold bar provenance for the gold token organization, AnthemGold,” Anthem Blanchard, CEO of HERC said. “It was soon recognized Hercules could handle the validation of any supply chain audit trail, physical or digital assets.”
It is currently on Ethereum as an ERC777, the latest ERC20 compatible version. It secures the integrity of its chain through proof of human work called Human Initiated Performance Report (HIPR) using a stenographic approach similar to Google’s ReCaptcha.
“We chose Ethereum to secure the integrity of our chain until HIPR gets enough PoW game playing for Hercules to secure the integrity of its own chain due to the five-year history of Ethereum versioning and relative ease of use to layer and build on its platform,” Blanchard explained
In five years, the team want to see Hercules protocol being the predominant commercial blockchain layer and AnthemGold being the predominant asset token organization. In fact, in the general sense, it is their hope blockchain software become embedded in more commercial hardware and software.
“For the HERC software key holders, keep thinking about how to integrate the Hercules platform and DApps (decentralized applications) into your business to provide indisputable data integrity,” the CEO advised the HERC community. (NEXT)
NEXT is a hybrid exchange platform with the goal to enhance exchange transparency by means of preventing wash trading, build exchange related trust within cryptosphere, and help the industry mature by adhering to appropriate regulations and providing functionality that is appealing to new market entrants.
Gleb Jout, COO of indicated that they have their own token, NEXT, that has many uses within the exchange.
The NextChain is a Blockchain based on Bitcoin Core technology, with extra features, such as asset support, comparable to Ethereum ERC20 tokens as well as Masternodes for instant transactions as seen with Dash. “The blockchain is 51% attack resistant and is a combination of PoW/PoS technology,” Jout informed CWS.
In the near future, NEXT wants to be in the ranks of the top 10 exchanges in Cryptosphere. Jout thinks this will, of course, materialize sooner than in five years.
“Thank you for supporting us. A lot of great things to come. We’re only at the start of our journey,” the COO communicated to the NEXT community.
Beacon (BECN)
Beacon aims to become cryptocurrency’s first conglomerate. The project owners hold that the greatest strength of cryptocurrency is its ‘decentralized’ nature and Beacon was designed to be ‘decentralized’ in its very structure.
“Putting all your eggs in one basket (one utility) is dangerous. If your golden egg utility fails, the project fails,” Patrick Tompkins, Founder of BECN pointed out. He is convinced that is the reason why real-world corporations diversify their holdings and Beacon is ‘decentralizing’ its utility by having many utilities supporting one coin like Crypto Swag Store, Beacon Arcade, Monitor Bot Services among others.
Beacon employs Proof of Stake (PoS) and Masternodes as its underlying technology. Tompkin pronounced that what makes Beacon different is not some revolutionary new process that is going to change the game of cryptocurrency but its greatest strength is the vision and core mission is different.
“In five years, we see ourselves at a lot of places. Not even strictly in cryptocurrency because our mission is to make cryptocurrency more accessible to those in the real world as well as improve cryptocurrency’s public image, branching outside of the blockchain is an important goal,” related the founder of BECN.
Tompkin told the Beacon community the masternode market is full of hyperbole and flash-in-the-pan projects. “In this market, there is a 90% chance you are going to lose all of your money, either through an exit scam or severe hyperinflation. Everyone thinks they can beat the dumpers, usually, they are wrong,” he noted.
Root Infrastructure Framework Open Standard (RIF OS) is a suite of open and decentralized infrastructure protocols that facilitate faster, easier and scalable development of distributed applications (dApps) within a blended environment that provides developers and organizations with access to a diversity of services across various crypto-economies and strives to connect the gap between blockchain technologies and their mass-market adoption.
“The RIF Token is intended to allow any token holder to consume decentralized infrastructure services that are compatible with the RIF OS Protocol Specifications,” Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar, CEO of RIF emphasised. “Such services may include third-party-developed infrastructure services and any other apps that might be integrated to the RIF OS Marketplace and agree to accept RIF Tokens as a means of accessing/consuming services or apps.”
The underlying technology that powers RIF Token is an RRC677. Zaldivar explained that all the ERC programming interface standards deployed on the RSK Live Mainnet are renamed to RRC for the sake of clarity. In turn, RRC677 is an improved version of the RRC20 standard which is fully compatible with the widely used ERC20 standard so all ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum Network can be ported to the RSK Network seamlessly.
“Our vision over the next couple of years is that the RIF OS Protocols serve as the industry standard framework for the development of decentralized applications. Utilizing the RIF Token as the commonly accepted token among the multiple service providers that decentralized applications (dApps) will be able to rely on to make dApps development easier, faster, and scalable while offering developers a one-stop-shop for deploying their solution,” he declared.
When asked to send a message to his community, the CEO said Bitcoin was created to provide individuals with economic freedom and their vision also set the foundation for the construction of new Internet for the transfer of value. “The founding motivation of our organization was to take Bitcoin vision and values further, an open network where individuals can transfer value from point A to point B without intermediation, which is one of the main reasons for inequality in our world and RIF OS is a step to bring this vision to life,” he mentioned.