About Poap.xyz
Poap.xyz is a software system that allows humans to collect badges (in the form of non fungible tokens) every time they participate in an activity, in person or remotely. It’s a system that event organizers can easily use to distribute attendance crypto-badges to people that show up, a tool for attendees to display and share the badges they have obtained and an open standard for Dapp developers to build on top of.
Poap.xyz is airdropping free NFTs to early participants of historic crypto events. Visit the airdrop page, connect your Meta mask wallet and click on the relevant event page to claim your NFT. Once claimed, they can be viewed on POAP scan or any other NFT-enabled interfaces like Ethereum and traded on Open Sea. t’s a system that event organizers can easily use to distribute attendance crypto-badges to people that show up, a tool for attendees to display and share the badges they have obtained and an open standard for Dapp developers to build on top of.
Basic | Details |
Token Name | Poap.xyz Airdrop |
Platform | ETH |
Total Supply | n/a |
Total Value | n/a |
KYC | KYC Is Not requirement |
Whitepaper | Click Here To View |
Max. Participants | Unlimited |
Collect Airdrop | Click Here To Collect Free Airdrop |
How To Join Poap.xyz Airdrop
First Step
Visit the POAP website. and connect your Metamask wallet from the top right.
Second step
Participants of historic crypto events will be able to claim free POAP NFTs. These includes users that were among the original group of 409 INVaders that helped establish the Inverse Finance DAO, the first Beacon Chain depositors and validators, qualified r/ethtrader subreddit users, AAVE V2 Pioneers, users that helped launching the yearn.finance protocol and participants of many other events mentioned on the airdrop page.
Third Step
Click on “Claim your POAP” to check if you’re eligible to claim your free POAP for the respective crypto event.
Fourth Step
If you’re eligible, then you will be able to claim your NFT using Metamask.
Fifth Step
Claimed NFTs can be viewed on POAPscan or any other NFT-enabled interfaces like Ethereum or OpenSea.
Six Step
Claimed can also be traded on NFTs marketplaces like OpenSea.
Get badges
Poap.xyz Here are some things that could happen when you obtain POAP badges: How you actually get the badges depends on the alternative(s) chosen by the event organizer to attest your presence.
Batch delivery of badges
Poap.xyz if you gave a wallet address when you signed up, an organizer can airdrop you a badge.
Manual sending
Poap.xyz an organizer can scan your wallet address and send you a badge on the spot
Self service claim
Poap.xyz an intranet-only Dapp that is available within the event’s WiFi will give you your badge)
Current options include:
- Collect cool badges
- Impress your crypto buddies(*)
- Enter a Lambo giveaway(*)
Poap badges implemented
Poap.xyz badges are ERC-721 tokens. Once minted, they can be viewed on POAP scan or any NFT-enabled interface (Etherscan, OpenSea) and most mobile wallets.
Poap Event
Poap.xyz If you want to use POAP to distribute attendance badges at your event, contact us so they can hook you up. All you need to provide is a badge design and some event metadata (event name, location, date).POAP is free! It’s an open source community initiative.
What are some things that could be built on POAP?
Poap.xyz Here are some truly marvelous features and ideas that this hackathon was too brief to contain:
Integrate a proper proof of space-time protocol
Poap.xyz for more resilient presence attestation
Integrate with Kickback
Poap.xyz to seamlessly handle refunds of deposits to people that attend (send deposit, attend event, get badge + automated refund)
Implement privacy preserving mechanisms (proxy reencryption?)
Poap.xyz for finer grained disclosure of information (i.e. prove you went somewhere without disclosing your entire list of past events) Actually, no. If they think bigger, a system like POAP that gets traction and eventually critical mass could become an identity mechanism with zero personal information exposure (they don’t use names or national ID).
Poap.xyz Starting with a seemingly innocent use case (cute badges for event attendance) can help us bootstrap a system that could have important ramifications, but where the main obstacle to overcome is user adoption. A POAP track record could become an indicator of trustworthiness for things as simple as streamlined admission to oversubscribed events, or as complex as a Dharma credit risk calculation.
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