About WYND Airdrop
WYND Airdrop will leverage blockchain protocols to protect and regenerate the world’s ecosystems. They uses technology to bring awareness and visibility to all humans about their surrounding environment and put a proper value on it. They provide a platform to make them active contributors, not just limited to the scope of WYND or any one organization, but in the immense size of life itself.
They seek to achieve harmony between nature and technology while rewarding everyone who has put their skin in the game in any form under this belief system. WYND is airdropping 65% of the total supply to Juno, Osmosis and Regen stakers and validators. The snapshots of Osmosis and Regen were taken on May 5, 2022 and the snapshot of Juno was taken on May 6th, 2022. Eligible users have until August 31st, 2022 to claim the airdrop.
How To Join Age Of WYND Airdrop
First Step
Visit the WYND airdrop claim page.
Second step
Connect your Keplr wallet.
Third Step
If you’re eligible, then you will be able to claim free WYND tokens.
Fourth Step
Validators and stakers of Juno, Osmosis and Regen are eligible to claim the airdrop.
Fifth Step
The snapshots of Osmosis and Regen were taken on May 5, 2022 and the snapshot of Juno was taken on May 6th, 2022.
Six Step
Eligible users have until August 31st, 2022 to claim the airdrop else the unclaimed tokens will be “clawed back” and sent to the WYND DAO community pool.
Seven Step
There will also be a future airdrop to LUNA stakers.
Eight Step
For more information regarding the airdrop, see this page.
WYND Airdrop sees the potential of blockchain technologies to engender new forms of large-scale collaboration toward positive, life-affirming futures. Cryptoeconomics and mechanism design allow projects to create new competitive games with different emergent behavior than market economies. DAOs are in their infancy, but have already shown great potential enabling large groups with a common purpose to quickly form and take collective action.
Wynd uses technology to bring awareness and visibility to all humans about their surrounding environment and put true value on it. They provide a platform to make them an active contributor, not just limited to the scope of WYND or any one organization, but in the immense scope of life itself. They seek to achieve harmony between nature and technology while rewarding everyone who has put their skin in the game in any form under this belief system.
WYND DAO is a revolutionary approach to solving climate problems. It will achieve the vision via four main pillars:
Instead of relying upon agencies and carbon credit organizations bringing in months-old data for the state of our planet, WYND is using satellite data to bring in near real-time data about gases like carbon monoxide, sulfur, and many more. This brings more awareness and visibility to the state of any person’s surrounding condition of the environment and allows us to offer incentives based on actual, measurable impact. For now, only air quality is being targeted but plans to include water and soil (earth) current state also is designed & possible. WYND is targeting to build a set of essential environmental data oracle services, enabling other dApps to develop products and services based on real-world data. They are working on a collaboration with Regen Network for the Environmental Oracles.
Current state
Current state of human perception of growth is based on what’s valued in the market. Yet marketing constantly manipulates these values and doesn’t account for “externalities,” such as clearcutting forests. WYND is an attempt to fill the gap by re-attaching weight to the “market” using Web3 tools and Technologies. The WYND DAO will design new mechanisms and DeFi primitives to make this connection, inspired by a Hackathon project on environmental futures. This helps build a market where constructive deeds are rewarded, and destructive manipulations are penalized by the market itself.
Web3 Tools
WYND DAO will use the success of blockchain and web3 tools in terms of transparency, scalability, network effect, and global reach for enabling and empowering on-ground communities working on environmental causes to achieve growth and support. WYND DAO will make active efforts to make the work of these on-ground communities reach not just on-chain but also visually. WYND DAO will eventually enable transparency over Impact Investments and Philanthropy contributions, thus attracting larger masses and making the funds create their true, verifiable impact.
WYND Auto-Compounder
One of its visions of WYND is environmental DeFi, harnessing the income of DeFi and directing it to ecological purposes. The WYND Foundation will build out a simple application to provide some initial revenue for the WYND DAO and serve as inspiration for future protocols. The Auto-Compounder is a fund manager.
You can send your $JUNO to the auto-compounder, and it will stake them on your behalf, reinvesting all rewards every day to safely provide you with higher APY without any extra work. We will also use various optimizations to provide shorter unbonding periods in normal market conditions. This should give the best and safest staking experience for $JUNO holders, and in return, it will take a 5% cut of the withdrawn rewards to fund the WYND DAO.