About C3gold.com
Buy Perfect Money in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Swaziland etc… You can also Sell,Exchange Perfect Money to any other electronic currencies. Local, International Bank deposits, Credit Debit Card, Instant eft and other payment method available.
Buy Cryptocurrency
Buy Cryptocurrency & e-Currency from us at competitive prices and enjoy instantaneous transaction. Our services are usually completed within few minutes of confirming payment. You can purchase, sell & exchange any amount of the Cryptocurrency|e-Currency. If we don’t have enough on reserve contact us we will make arrangement for that.
You can proceed to purchase your desired e-Currency & Cryptocurrency now by following the steps below.
- If you have not registered with us, click the ‘Create Account’ link on the top-right-hand corner to register.
- If you have registered with us, login and select Want to Sell, for example if your method of payment to us is bank transfers chose bank transfer, PayFast, Scode etc…then at ‘Want to buy’ chose what type of e-Currency & Digital Currency you wish to buy from us (Perfect Money, Bit coin etc…) type your desire amount at Want to Sell our Reserve and Exchange rates will display then click exchange to complete other fields on the form.
- Customers in South Africa, wishing to make payment should use instant eft by selecting (PayFast) at Want to Sell not bank transfer. If you don’t have online banking access use Scode or contact support at: info@c3gold.co.za for Banking details.
- Customers in Swaziland, wishing to make payment should use instant eft, or ATM Cash deposits via FNB or Standard Bank by selecting (Bank Transfers (ZAR)) at Want to Sell.Your bank reference is your exchange ID or PM account no.
- Customers in Lesotho, wishing to make payment should use instant eft, or ATM Cash deposits via FNB or Standard Bank by selecting (Bank Transfers (ZAR)) at Want to Sell.Your bank reference is your exchange ID or PM account no.
- Customers in other Southern Africa Countries wishing to make payment should use bank transfers options, deposits reflects in less than 30 minis (Bank Transfers (ZAR)) at Want to Sell.Your bank reference is your exchange ID for BTC etc or PM account no.
- SCode voucher – to use this options visit our web site www.c3gold.com chose Payfast at Want to Sell and your desire e-Currency or any at Want to Buy type amount then click exchange proceed insert your info at PayFast portal chose Scode voucher with this options you can make payment using your credit,cheque or debit card and also cash!
Sell Cryptocurrency
The process of selling and exchanging Cryptocurrency | e-Currency with another e-Currency | Cryptocurrency from us is a basic 3-step process.
Begin now by:
- Registering with us.
- If you have registered with us, login and at homepage you chose type of e-Currency you want to sell at Want To Sell then chose at Want to Buy the way you wish to receive your funds, then type the amount you wish to sell. e.g (bank transfer, Moneygram, Western union etc) (as the case may be) proceed by clicking exchange then complete other fields on the form. Note: Bitcoin sales to us will be processed instantly after 3-6 confirmation from bitcoin network while Perfect Money, Payza, Ether, WebMoney.
- To see your exchange orders and processes login to your account on your dashboard area, click ‘My Exchange you can also use the track page for same purpose
- To Exchange any Cryptocurrency ‘Exchange’ chose sell then select e-currency type you wish to exchanged then select buy and also choose your preferred e-currency, type the amount you wish to exchange at sell section, our rates will display click exchange then proceed. You will always fellow this procedures
- Submit your order and transfer the expected cryptocurrency|e-Currency amount into our e-Currency account. If you are selling or exchanging with Perfect Money & Bitcoin and others, our platform is integrated with API for Instant Transfer. Your bank account or e-Currency account (as the case may be) will be credited within few minutes of confirming your transfer.
- Selling iTunes, Amazon gift cards are also possible with us. Submit your exchanges on our website and send scan copies iTunes to our mail. We accept only gift cards not e-code with a face value, denomination from USD 15, 30, 50, 100 only No limits apply. Any denomination above this won’t be process. You can receive your Exchange of iTunes for Cash, Bank transfers, Western Union, Perfect Money, Moneygram, Bitcoin etc.
Payment Confirmation
For buying transactions, you can make payments into any available list of banks in your location, we also accept Western Union, Moneygram view our payment Mode for all available payments for your convenience. While make payments to our bank accounts internationally please do not forget to quote your Exchange ID. Payments done without quoting the transaction invoice number (Exchange ID) may be delayed or not be honored.
The majority of customers come from referrals from other customers and that fact gives great pride. They have built reputation in time through quality of service.
Automated exchanger
C3gold.com currency exchange works in semi-automatic mode. Exchange request execution time is up to 48 hours, depending on the workload of the accounting.
Best Rates on the market
They supply e-Currency in retail and wholesale price, they can supply unlimited quantity with very low price with faster way.
Click Here To Visit C3gold.com
su_quote]This article is writing on 05 Feb 2019 based on information available online & news portal. If you feel it’s outdated or incorrect, please write here to update it. Mail us: support@digitalworldstory.com Or Whatsaap Us At- 918077121282[/su_quote]
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