About E-scrooge.is
Welcome to the online exchange service E-Scrooge.is, where people can buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrency since 2011. The online exchanger has been working for over 7 years rendering e-currency conversion services and was able to prove itself in the best possible way. They are pleased to address one of the most popular query «How to get bitcoins?» and offer clients convenient conditions and best exchange rate for variety of exchange directions.
At E-Scrooge.is cryptocurrency exchanger, every customer can instantly exchange, sell or buy Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Zcash, Dash, Perfect Money, AdvCash, Payeer and many other electronic assets. Thanks to a convenient and intuitive interface, digital currency exchange will seem to you the simplest procedure and will take only a couple of minutes. Just follow simple instructions to perform a three-step fast electronic or virtual assets exchange.
E-Scrooge.is consider reputation and trust level of our customers to be a top priority! The reliability of online bitcoin exchanger as well as the highest quality of provided services are confirmed by numerous reviews on popular resources such as bestchange and trustpilot.
E-Scrooge.is Following advantages
Unprecedented reliability.
E-Scrooge.is guarantee that you can exchange, buy or sell Bitcoin, Etherium (or any other blockchain asset) being sure that you will not lose your funds or cryptomoney – everything is 100% reliable.
Low fees.
Today not every cryptocurrency exchangercan offer such favorable terms of cooperation. They work to please our clients and try to do everything for their return. That is why we have set low commissions.
Instant exchange.
No one gets surprised, if we say that «How to buy bitcoins? How to buy ether? How to buy altcoins? Instantly?»are very relevant topics for today. We can perform all currency exchange operations very quickly and effectively. Rest assured, all orders are processed accurately and on time. Literally it takes no longer than 5-20 minutes.
Digital currency exchange
E-Scrooge.is digital currency exchange servicedoes not require mandatory verification for all operations. Registration is automatic! Moreover, all inbound and outbound E-Scrooge traffic is cyphered by robust 256-bit encryption.
Top exchange
service works every day, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is an extremely important indicator and an advantage, because many users need bitcoinmarkets even at latter time, so our e- money changer service makes it possible. Bitcointrade will be performed for our customers round the clock.
E-Scrooge.is are convinced that anyone who uses exchanger at least once will appreciate the level of services provided. Bitcoin, ether, or any altcoin exchnage will no longer seem to be such a complex and lengthy process as you thought before.
How to Withdraw Bitcoin
Use Moneygram instant money transfer systems to buy or sell your cryptocurrency, because it is very convenient and fast. The service has been providing customers with the Moneygram to Bitcoin exchange for more than 6 years. You may top up or withdraw any cryptocurrency via Moneygram with us. They are market leaders in this direction.