About xDeFi Airdrop
xDeFi Airdrop is a stack of decentralized finance protocols. They believe that a fully developed DeFi ecosystem should start from well-established infrastructures. xDeFi ecosystem includes xDEX as one of optimized AMM DEXes, xHalfLife as a money stream protocol, xSTA as a stable coin minted from crypto assets, xBadge as a incentivating approoach based on social consensus, and any other DeFi building blocks which are essential for a well-ordered market.
xDeFi is giving away a total of 168,000 XDEX tokens to top participants. Sign up for the airdrop and complete simple tasks to earn points. The top 5,000 participants will get 30 XDEX each and the top three participants will get up to 10,000 XDEX.
How To Join xDeFi Airdrop
First Step
Visit the xDeFi giveaway page.
Second step
Submit your details and sign up.
Third Step
Now complete simple tasks to earn points.
Fourth Step
You need to complete at least 5 tasks to submit your ERC-20 wallet address.
Fifth Step
Also earn more points for each referral.
Six Step
The top 5,000 participants will get 30 XDEX each and the top three participants will get up to 10,000 XDEX.
Seven Step
The rewards will be distributed when the project goes live on the mainnet.
Eigth Step
The rewards will be distributed when the project goes live on the mainnet.
XDex: Optimized Multi Asset AMM Dex
Trustless and Permissionless. Accept any standard and non-deflating ERC20. The xdefi.com , xFarm, xHalfLife and DAO Protocols have been audited and released on Ethereum mainnet. The xPerp and xOption Protocols will release soon!
XFarm: None for Pre-sale, Pre-mint
Fair launch and Antifragile. XDEX token distributed 100% based on community consessus and participation.
XHalfLife: Trustless Money Stream
Any XDEX from XFarm voting pool, ordinary pool, and founder teams’ fund, is rewarded through xHalfLife protocol. Withdrawable reward updated in every block.
Kyber Network:
xdefi.com from 2017. Compared to binary pools (Ethereum + any other token) Compared to Uniswap’s fixed binary pools of 50%-50% proportion, Kyber introduced multiple assets at non-fixed proportion in 2019. It can provide about 4 times of liquidity efficiency* over Uniswap V1 and 1.5 times over Uniswap V2.
These AMM DEXes
These AMM DEXes are extremely precious data examples, since they achieved more than 6 billion USD TVL in their on-chain trading systems. At the same time, in Ethereum community and even in similar ecosystems like Tron and Polkadot, many DeFi projects, with different product forms, with greater DAO mechanisms, with better tokeneconomics, and with better fairness are rapidly emerging.
xdefi.com like MakerDAO, AAVE(lend), Compound, Synthetix and YFI attend this Cambrion of DeFi in many forms, greatly helped the development of all AMM DEXes. The first time since the ICO mania in summer 2017, people feel the enthusiasm of creativity and species’ diversity of Ethereum community.
Special Optimization
xDeFi doesn’t focus on different AMM curves or special optimization for any certain trading scenarios, but it proposed a full set of parameters which reward fairness and loyalty. Initial design by a small team fewer than 10 developers and a small group of community volunteers, xDEX is full ready to embrace DAO after community users had a fully understanding about what problem xDeFi is solving, which could enable xDEX Token with a much more decentralized governance process.