About Timeswap Airdrop
Timeswap Airdrop is the world’s first fully decentralized AMM-based money market protocol which is self-sufficient, non-custodial, gas efficient and works without the need of oracles or liquidators. Timeswap has launched its testnet and has announced that the early users will be rewarded. It’s highly likely that they may do an airdrop to users who’ve participated in their testnet.
Basic | Details |
Token Name | Timeswap Airdrop |
Platform | ETH |
Total Supply | N/A |
Total Value | N/A |
KYC | KYC Is Not requirement |
Whitepaper | Click Here To View |
Max. Participants | Unlimited |
Collect Airdrop | Click Here To Collect Free Airdrop |
How To Join Timeswap Airdrop
First Step
Visit the Timeswap dashboard.
Second step
Connect your Metamask wallet.
Third Step
Change the network to Rinkeby network.
Fourth Step
Get some test ETH from this faucet.
Fifth Step
Now go back to the Timeswap dashboard and click on “Test Faucet” and mint test tokens.
Six Step
Now do lending and borrowing using the test tokens.
Seven Step
Also try to join their Discord channel and leave some feedback.
Eight Step
They have already announced that the early users will be rewarded.
Nine Step
It’s highly likely that they may do an airdrop to early users of the testnet and Discord channel.
Ten Step
For more information regarding testnet, see this Medium article.
Timeswap Airdrop offering
Permissionless fixed maturity lending & borrowing
Timeswap allows anyone to do fixed maturity lending & borrowing of any ERC20 token with any other ERC20 token as collateral
Non-Liquidatable Loans
Timeswap takes away complexity for borrowers to constantly manage their health factors. No more liquidation penalty & dependency on liquidators
Flexible Risk Profiles
Timeswap offers flexibility for lenders and borrowers to decide their risk profile through flexible interest rates & collateral factors.
Permissionless Debt Financing
Timeswap enables projects to borrow debt with their native tokens as collateral. Ideal for funding fair launches & leveraged loans compared to equity financing
ERC20 Bond Token
An ERC20 Bond Token contract has an underlying ERC20 token with a fixed maturity time. The recipients of the Bond tokens are the lenders who lent the underlying ERC20 token into the pool. An owner of the Bond tokens can burn it after the maturity, to withdraw the same amount of underlying ERC20 tokens. The name of the Bond token is the following: Timeswap Bond – {Name of asset} – {Name of collateral} – {maturity time in Unix timestamp} The symbol ticker of the Bond token is the following: TS-BND-{Symbol of asset}-{Symbol of collateral}-{maturity time in Unix timestamp} For example, consider a user who owns 3000 TS-BND-DAI-WETH-1750000000. Assuming there are enough DAI in the pool after Unix time 1750000000, the owner receives 3000 DAI.
Key Features
Flexible interest rate & collateral factors
Users have the flexibility to decide their risk-return profile by selecting custom interest rates and collateral factors based on prevailing market conditions for greater capital efficiency
Oracle-less & Gas Efficient
Timeswap is brutally gas efficient and does not require oracles or liquidators
ERC20 agnostic
Anyone can create any ERC20 pool by providing necessary liquidity.
Slippage Reduction Mechanism
Since Timeswap is fully on-chain, there could be slippage and front running. The receiving amount calculated could change between when the transaction is signed and when it is finalized in a block. Users can bound interest and collateral fluctuations by stating the minimum or maximum amount in the advanced settings. This reverts the transaction if the slippage is too large. They can also set transaction deadlines which revert the orders, if they are not executed fast enough.
A note regarding the slippage of Timeswap transactions compared to Uniswap transactions, the slippage cost from Timeswap is on a different magnitude level to Uniswap. While in Uniswap, they expect that the pair have the same magnitude value in the pool, thus the slippage size is on that same magnitude value. In Timeswap, while the Principal pool is also roughly at the same magnitude size as the Collateral Required pool, the slippage is on the opportunity cost of the collateral locked, not the value of the collateral itself. Also with regards to the Interest Rate pool, the magnitude value of the interest is different to the magnitude value of the principal, therefore the slippage to the interest is also a different magnitude value.