DRONEFLY is a secure blockchain-based system that provides reliable drone flight data. It enables secure drone flight experience authentication and management and sharing flight data. The flight experience proof system provides certified flight experience information, and rewards participants based on their flight experience and flight skill levels. DRONEFLY is giving away free TRX to thousand lucky participants. Join their Telegram group and submit your details to the giveaway form to win up 20 TRX. Top referrals on the leaderboard will also win up to 2,000 TRX each.
How To Join Octopus Protocol Airdrop
First Step
Visit the DRONEFLY giveaway form.
Second step
Join their Telegram group.
Third Step
Submit your TRX address and other details to the giveaway form.
Fourth Step
Thousand participants will be randomly selected to win 20 TRX each.
Fifth Step
Also refer your friends to the giveaway and the top five referrals on the leaderboard will win up to 2,000 TRX.
When they travel abroad, the airplane they take is a pilot-driven one. Why? Of course they think it’s safer than without a pilot, but is it always true? Actually, the largest percentage of the airline accidents is ‘man.’ A commercial airplane pilot requires, on the average, at least 200 flight hours, and over 1,000 hours to work at a major airline. The problem is that the flight hours are easily faked. Ok, now, what about an unmanned aircraft? It’s a lot worse. We do not pay great attention to the problems of “unmanned” aircrafts.
DRONEFLY industry grows bigger, and mid-sized and large-sized drones are being developed more than before. Larger-size drones have more safety issues accordingly. Yes, how do you feel if you cannot trust the drone pilot’s flight experience? A drone flying over your head may abruptly change into a deadly weapon. There are the accidents by the drones. What are the causes of those accidents? The aircraft itself? Less developed technology? Or government system? Most of all, it’s caused by human error, the “pilot”, just like manned aircrafts.
The strongest tool against forgery so far is blockchain network. DRONEFLY project uses blockchain technology, too. Hold on a second. Everybody says, “I will upload the data onto blockchain and prevent forgery,” but what if the data already uploaded on the blockchain network is “already forged” or “wrong”? If so, it’ll be an even bigger problem. It cannot be amended. Verification process is necessary from the data collecting process, and the consequent data has to be stored in a secure network, blockchain.
Accordingly, DRONEFLY has developed a data collecting device, FlightTracker® for accurate and secure data collecting. FlightTracker® is connected to a DRONEFLY application for user authentication. When the authentication finished, you stick it to a drone aircraft and collect flight information such as aircraft information, flight hours, altitude, and flight area.
When flight ended, the “authenticated” and “personalized” data is stored in the blockchain network. Accurate data can be collected and stored this way. Now, “reliable” data comes from “reliable” network, so it will help us prevent drone accidents. Besides, correct and accurate flight experience data is uploaded on the blockchain, so the companies have no difficulties in recruiting the verified drone pilots.
Sharing Platform
DRONEFLY Enables you to make group buying for an expensive drone aircraft, or gives services including peer-to-peer dronesharing
Helps people experience the various sizes of drones at an affordable price
Job Matching Platform
Drone-related companies want drone experts. Drone experts want job opportunities to work
there. DRONEFLY job matching platform connects both demands. Does he/she have a
required, appropriate flight experience? Does he/she have a requisite flight skill for the job
description? Verification is not an option. It’s inevitable.
Market Platform
DRONEFLY Enables people to buy or sell drones, parts, components for tuning, or various drone pictures or movies
Enables people to trade actively in an integrated market environment
DRONEFLY Block chain Token
They provide certified drone flight experience information through KDMS. Participants get a reward according to their flight experience and flight skill grades. They connect people who want to be a drone pilot with the flight training services. They connect the drone-related businesses with each other on the DRONEFLY business platform. The bigger DRONEFLY business grows, the more reward the participants get.
Token Sale
DRONEFLY issuse the tokens on the basis of ERC 2.0, for ensuring smooth operation of the RONEFLY ecosystem. It will use the proceeds to vitalize global drone industry and its development.
DRONEFLY Business Ecosystem
DRONEFLY business is running over one KDMS system, connecting four business platforms with one another. Multiple services are available on a simple system. This simple structure enables us to embrace diverse demands related to drones. Participants’ data is stored in KDMS, and all the business platforms receive the data from KDMS. Companies pay a usage fee, and the participants receive reward. Let’s take a look at the details:
Education Matching Platform and Training Courses
Someone wants to learn how to operate drones. Someone wants to achieve a certificate for
a drone pilot. Someone wants to gain his/her drone flight experience or improve flight skills.
DRONEFLY education matching platform recommends the optimal academy for each of
them. Affiliated academies of DRONEFLY will provide certified courses.
Incentive System
All the participants receive KY-POINTs from SIS, SKYWORK Incentive System, when they do activities that bring benefits to DRONEFLY ecosystem. As noted in the token model, people can receive DRONEFLY tokens as a reward, accumulating KY-POINTs. They can use the tokens in many ways within the platform.
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