About Farmers World Game
Farmers World Game is one of the largest NFT games communities, having gained popularity in the crypto space. They have a vibrant online community with over 150,000 players and over 80,000 discord members.
Farmers World is a decentralized NFT game operating on the WAX blockchain. It is built on the premise of Game-Fi and NFTs. Players engage in different farming activities, interact with other farmers, discover many resources, purchase tools, and buy land.
You can farm gold, and NFTs make money from this game and exchange the tokens you earn for WAXP. You can also build equipment to make NFTs that you can sell to other players.
How to Singup with The Farmers World
For now, The Sandbox only offers an experience through its free builder tool. Using it to get acquainted with the game is free.
Buying SAND tokens is possible with an in-wallet swap. Binance also offers trading and swapping services for this asset. Bidding for and buying LAND assets is done through the Sandbox browser app. In the future, new experiences and types of play will be added.
Farmers World Gameplay
Farmers World Game was inspired by a document called “Manuscript No4848,” which is now housed in Brazil’s National Library. It details a strange old farm in eastern Brazil. A group of explorers discovered the farm in 1573, but its existence was largely a secret. Furthermore, GJIT JAPAN, a Japanese game developer, developed Farmers World. In addition, the game runs on the WAX blockchain. WAX is a public blockchain that focuses on digital collections and games.
How to play Farmers World
In Farmers World players pick suitable tools, exploit various resources, buy land to build farms, and enjoy the experiences of a farmer working in the Farmers World’s ecosystem. Moreover, the team wants to provide a free-to-play element as well as the popular play-to-earn mechanic. Drawing inspiration from the once-famous Happyfarm Facebook browser game, the team behind the dapp is building a similar world where players can grow plants, chop wood, fish, and raise livestock and poultry.
The play-to-earn mechanic arrives through fight-to-earn games. While players wait for their harvest, they can go to other farms and battle other players for resources. Therefore, players also have to stand guard and protect their own farms from intruders. Moreover, the team behind Farming World hopes that by playing the game not only can players make money, but also proudly show off what they have designed and protected.
You can mine resources like GOLD and other NFTs within the game. You can also use the GOLD you mined and some WOOD to craft your tools and repair equipment. Other features include catching fish for FOOD to increase your farmer’s STRENGTH and more.
The farmer raises cattle to produce food that fuels them and ensures that they have enough strength and energy when the jungle monsters try to terrorize their farm.
You can expand your farm by building additional shelter and solid cages for the animals. And constructing cow sheds and chicken coops helps them grow fast and healthy, serving as shelter and protection for them from the jungle monsters.
How to Earn in Farmers World
Now you know how the game works and what tools you’ll need to operate. But how do you actually earn from it? Well, there are several ways for players to make in Farmers World. And that’s through gathering resources, cultivating crops, and raising animals.
Gather and sell resources
With the right tools, you can collect Food, Wood, or Gold. These primary resources can be sold on the marketplace. You can also use the “Exchange” in-game feature to swap whichever resource you have for something you lack (i.e., Wood for Gold, Food for Gold, Gold for Food, etc.).
Cultivating Crops
You can cultivate different crops such as corn, wheat, barley, etc. And, of course, these are all tradable in the secondary marketplace. And just like in real life, you can’t start without the essentials. So you’ll first have to get a Farm plot and some seeds that you can plant to start growing crops. And you’ll also need to water your crops regularly, which takes a toll on your limited energy.
Raising Animals
Farmers World Game Raising and breeding animals brings you yields and other produce. And there are plenty of animals you can raise, such as cows, bulls, chickens, etc.