About Tezos Domains
Tezos Domains allows you to associate domain names like alice.tez with addresses like tz1VBLpuDKMoJuHRLZ4HrCgRuiLpEr7zZx2E
and other information. Domains can be used to associate an address, share an avatar, publish contact information and more. Wallets and other projects in the ecosystem will let you use domain names directly instead of addresses and show domain names where Tezos addresses would be normally.
Tezos Domains Airdrop is a distributed, open and extensible naming system using the Tezos blockchain.The main function is to translate a meaningful and user-friendly alias to it’s corresponding Tezos address and vice versa. This translation is globally consistent so that all users see the same address for a given alias.
Basic | Details |
Token Name | Tezos Domains Airdrop |
Platform | Tezos |
Support | 24/7 |
Total Value | N/A |
KYC | KYC Is Not requirement |
Whitepaper | Click Here To View |
Max. Participants | Unlimited |
Collect Airdrop | Click Here To Collect Free Airdrop |
How To Join Age Of Tezos Domains Airdrop
First Step
Visit the Tezos Domains website.
Second step
Connect your Tezos wallet.
Third Step
Now buy a domain.
Fourth Step
They’ve already confirmed that they will launch their DAO in 2022.
Fifth Step
Buying a domain may likely make you eligible for an airdrop if they launch an own token.
Six Step
Please note that there is no guarantee that they will do an airdrop to the early users of the platform. It’s only speculation.
Decentralized Web
The long term plan for Tezos Domains includes allowing websites to be built on Tezos Domains using decentralized content hosting like IPFS. This could serve as an alternative to traditional centralized solutions (i.e. DNS with centralized content hosting). Please stay tuned for futher updates on this.
Associated Information
The information you can currently associate with your domain include:
- Your Tezos address
- Avatar
- Nickname
- Website
- Physical Address
Once you register your domain, you will be able to change this data in the domain details screen.
By registering a domain you get control of your own personal namespace. You can create any number of subdomains and use it for different purposes. For example when owning acme.tez, the owner could create a structure like this:
- ???? acme.tez – the domain registered initially
- ???? alice.acme.tez – an address owned by Alice
- ???? bob.acme.tez – an address owned by Bob
Reverse Records
Reverse record allow other users to see your registered domain instead of your long Tezos address. Reverse records can be set up from your domain details screen.
Friendly NamesNow on Tezos
Easy to share
Forget copying and pasting long addresses. Share your .tez name instead!
Make transacting a breeze
Just enter the recipients .tez name. No more stress about sending to the wrong address.
Naming for wallets
Have other people’s wallets display your name when you send them money, and vice versa.
Decentralized and under your control
Tezos names are FA2-compliant NFTs which you own and control. Just like cryptocurrency, your names are stored securely in your wallet and only you can manage and move them.
Open source & cryptographically secure
Domain names are stored on the Tezos blockchain. Audited, open source smart contracts ensure that sending funds to a Tezos domain name is as secure as sending to a regular address.
Your own personal namespace
By registering a domain like alice.tez, you get control of your own personal namespace. Use it to associate addreses, share your avatar, publish contact information and more.
Unlimited subdomains
Create unlimited subdomains under your Tezos name (like something.alice.tez), and even lend them to other people!
Public profile
Attach publicly visible profile information to your Tezos name, like your website url, a physical address, or links to your social media profiles.
Decentralized websites
Get ready for Web 3.0. Use a Tezos name you own to point to a decentralized website of the future.
How much does a Tezos Domain cost?
The pricing of domains depends on the length:
- five-letter domains and longer cost 1 per year.
- four-letter domains cost 25 per year.
- three-letter domains cost 100 per year.
The initial auction period may drive the prices of popular domains higher. The higher price will only be paid for the first year. Renewals for following years will have standard pricing.