About Typhon Wallet
Typhon provides all the features you need to sail the Cardano blockchain. Fully compatible with existing ADA wallets. Typhon has all the features that you need to navigate the Cardano blockchain. Compatible with all existing ADA wallets. ADA can be stored in completely different wallet accounts without the need to manage multiple seed phrases. Multi-accounts allow you to delegate to multiple pools. Typhon gives you access to the most current stake pool information. You can also track your rewards. You can add the receipt number to your order of pizza, or send a message along with ADA payments to your friend. You can choose between HD wallets such as Daedalus or a simpler, single-address wallet.
Typhon Wallet is a Cardano blockchain wallet enabling dApp support. Typhon is currently available as a web extension with dApp support and a light weight web wallet for on the go wallet requirement. This document details the dApp connector specification implemented by Typhon and how developers can build dApps with Typhon.
Hardware Wallet Support
Typhon support Ledger Nano S/X and Trezor. Hardware wallets also safe guard against your computer/mobile hacks. Hardware wallet is the safest option to access your wallet.
Everything you need in a Cardano wallet
Typhon provides all the features you need to sail the Cardano blockchain. Fully compatible with existing ADA wallets.
Stake ADA to your choice of pool and earn safe ADA rewards
Send, Receive, and view NFTs right inside Typhon
Hardware wallet
Transact ADA securely using Ledger Nano S/X and Trezor T
Multi Account
Store ADA in totally different wallet accounts without managing multiple seed phrases
Multi Delegation
Delegate to multiple pools of your choice with multi-accounts
Rich staking center
Experience up to date stake pool information and track rewards right inside Typhon
Add receipt number for your pizza order, or just send a message to your friend along with ADA payment
Register for Catalyst voting round to vote for your favorite proposals
HD & Single Address
Choose your wallet type, HD wallets like Daedalus, or a simple and faster single-address wallet
Typhon dApp connector
Along with cip30 dApp connector support, Typhon also provides an easy to use dApp connector object. Typhon utilises modular and high level API interface to interact with Cardano blockchain. To save dApp developers time and resources, this dApp connector standard takes away the complexity of juggling between selecting UTXOs, setting change, calculating fee, min UTXO, and specially computing the script integrity hash. This makes it extremely easy for developers to build dApps on Cardano.
Wallet/Account Management
Typhon supports mnemonic and hardware wallets, which is isolated from the dApp developers. dApps can access Typhon using the globally injected window.cardano.typhon
object, which gives access to the currently selected wallet and its selected account. User can switch account/wallet at any time, this change is sent as an event to the dApp.
How is Typhon Secure
They will never track you, store or process your information. Typhon is non custodial wallet and you are in full control of your funds.
Non Custodial
They do not have access to your mnemonics or private keys. You are in full control of your funds.
No tracking
Typhon does not track any information of the user. This mean no google analytics. We never know your location, funds, or what you do with Typhon.
Secure Extension
Typhon extension is secure to keep your wallet stored in your browser. It uses secure encryption to keep your private keys safe.
Secure Web Wallet
Typhon web version does not store your keys in your browser, which secures against DNS hacks. Close the tab and no traces left of your wallet.