About Cryptobar.men
The cryptocurrency exchanger Cryptobar.men will help you buy or sell Bitcoin, Teter, Litecoin, Dash, Z-cache, Dodge, Ethereum at the best rates in the whole CIS. The service also specializes in the exchange of other electronic currencies. For example, you can easily exchange ADV CASH for Sberbank with or buy Perfect Money from Tinkoff Bank. A complete list of currencies is presented on home page.
To exchange, select the currencies of interest and fill out a simple data form. Carefully study the information that the system provides and make an exchange.
If you have any questions, please contact us through online chat, feedback form or in telegrams. Support is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00 Moscow time. The exchanger works round the clock seven days a week, in automatic mode.
The reputation of service is confirmed by reviews on independent monitoring by Bestchange , KursExpert . You can also independently study reviews about on the Internet. Enter the query in the search for “cryptobar.men reviews” and you can find reviews about exchanger on many forums and other sites. They have prepared for you detailed instructions for the exchange.
Parties to the agreement.
The contract is between the Internet service for the exchange of title characters CryptoBar, then the Contractor, on the one hand, and the Customer, represented by the person who used the services of the Contractor, on the other hand.
2. List of terms.
2.1. Exchange of title characters is an automated online service product that is provided by the Contractor on the basis of these rules.
2.2. Customer – an individual who agrees to the terms of the Contractor and this agreement to which it joins.
2.3. A title mark is a conventional unit of a particular payment system that corresponds to the calculations of electronic systems and denotes the scope of the rights corresponding to the electronic payment system contract and its Customer.
2.4. Application – information transmitted by the Customer for the use of the Contractor’s funds in electronic form and indicating that he accepts the terms of use of the service offered by the Contractor in this application.
Warranty Period
Within 24 hours from the date of execution of the exchange of title units, the Contractor gives a guarantee for the services provided, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Customer Support
The customer guarantees the purity of the transaction and confirms that the details specified in the exchange belong directly to him, and not to a third party or organization. Transfers and payments to third parties are prohibited. If this rule is violated, the Contractor has the right to freeze the receipt of title units for up to 40 (forty) days. Upon the expiration of the term, the Contractor undertakes to return the funds to outgoing details.
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