Cryptocurrency markets are recovering gradually. There is green everywhere on Coinmarketcap. In fact, the top 10, for instance, had a field day on Wednesday as all the coins there made significant gains.
On the other hand, new cryptos were listed by CoinMarketCap. These new entrants come with their own uniques features and solutions for the world’s numerous problems.
Kambria (KAT)
Kambria, according to its inventors is the first blockchain project to build an open innovation platform for frontier technology. It is a decentralized open innovation platform that will foster a collaborative ecosystem, with the goal of dramatically stimulating the development and adoption of the world’s most advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
“Current progress in the robotics industry is impeded by siloed development, wasted labour, and high startup costs,” William Ryan, a Team Member at Kambria announced. Kambria’s creation, he declared, was born out of the desire to hasten the process by engaging a community of developers and tinkerers, providing them with the necessary tools, and connecting them through market demand.
KAT is a native ERC20 utility token created, issued and deployed by KTI. Its main functions are to enable access to the Kambria Platform, reward participation, and align incentives for all stakeholders in the ecosystem.
According to Ryan, the open innovation platform allows Innovators to utilize the Kambria codebase making it the largest frontier technology repository in the world. There is no need for innovators to waste time, capital, and effort rebuilding the wheel.
Ryan explained that the grander vision of Kambria is to build a decentralized portfolio of the most advanced technology and to help bring huge value to the world by generating trillions in revenue/profit and share that with the community. “In the next few years, we plan to open up Open Innovation Hub in Silicon Valley, Vietnam, India, Japan, and beyond and work with worldwide government agencies to enable innovation amongst its top universities, professors, scientists, and students to develop cutting-edge and future-looking technologies,” Ryan said.
In a message to the Kambria Community, the team member asserted that his outfit believes in an open market where backers, token holders, innovators, companies, students, and tinkerers can come together and collaborate for the betterment of society. Therefore, there are not only incentives to earn, but they are building the most unique blockchain project that the world has seen to date plus the dedication to delivering value to their supporters and the rest of the world.
Lisk Machine Learning (LML)
Lisk Machine Learning brings patent pending Machine Learning technology to the Lisk network, a sidechain platform that allows for Artificial intelligence and inbuilt chains to be created by developers, corporations and individuals. “LML has been launched by the GNY IO team, having been the first utility token to operate in Jersey, channel islands, a key offshore world financial centre and represented by Carey Olsen Legal firm,” a Spokesperson of the project narrated to CWS.
The LML’s underlying technology is launching initially as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum network. The Spokesperson explained GNY IO Team brings a commercially working Machine learning system and apply it to blockchain with the LML token.
He also unveiled that the Machine Learning technology was developed by Grey Jean technology in 2015, providing AI services to customers across the US. In fact, Cosmas Wong pioneered this company to answer complex business problems and use machine learning to extract useful data from consumer information and provide improved customer interaction.
LML intends to lead the industry with usable machine learning implementation. In the next five years, they will offer increasing enterprise expansion drawing on connections built in the US market under Grey Jean technologies and entry into new token marketplaces which provide expanded regulatory oversight and deeper liquidity.
“GNY IO is also focusing on Smart City development and providing machine learning tools for city planners, having already modelled solutions for transport planning in anticipation of the coming popularity of Smart City,” He further explained.
The team urged holders to keep up the great support for the project and offset the 2018 crypto trend and retain stepping up to be the delegates to run the approaching LML Dpos network.
Machine Xchange Coin (MXC)
MXC is developing the model for smart cities and the future of IoT to improve the efficiency and reliability of long-distance wireless data transmissions. To do this they connect IoT hardware with permissionless blockchains using the MXProtocol to encourage devices owned by different companies or individuals to work together.
“MXC IoT solutions provide a wide scope of essential data services, measuring everything from air-quality, water purity & even commuter traffic,” Jeff Stahlnecker, MXC’s Growth Manager related. ” This is a network owned by the people, enabling people to profit by providing the foundation for further smart city development.”
Underneath the token is the Machine Xchange Protocol (MXProtocol). The MXProtocol enhances low-power wide area networks (LPWAN) by solving the problem of data collision. It also empowers owners of LPWAN Gateways to share connectivity with third-party sensors in exchange for the Machine Xchange Coin (MXC). The process works without human interaction, leveraging machine-to-machine communication to allow devices to negotiate and establish a price and this process is called smart bidding.
The Growth Manager prognosticated that the first release of the protocol takes place in 2019, with all features fully developed in 2021, then the development of the MXProtocol will be complete and the MXC Standard will be present in city integrations around the globe. The MXC enabled shared economy will also be live allowing both individuals and companies to share low-power wide area networks with local sensors to harvest MXC as a reliable form of passive income.
Stahlnecker had this message for the MXC community: “Now is the time to get involved with MXC by participating in the expansion and promotion of low-power wide area networks. You can already get an LPWAN Gateway, set up your network and prepare for the release of the MXProtocol. We’ll help you along the way, and your feedback will help improve MXC and the MXProtocol. It is only together that we can build the future of IoT.”
Skychain (SKCH)
SKCH is a Blockchain infrastructure steered to host, train and use artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. The main goal of the project is to create a decentralized infrastructure based on blockchain technology which will allow the broad implementation of neural networks, trained to detect diseases on medical images.
“The project aims to unite data providers, consumers, AI developers and miners and our mission is to save 10 million people from premature deaths due to medical errors in the next 10 years,” Egor Chertov, Community Manager at Skychain pointed out.
Today, cryptocurrency mining has produced unparalleled computing power to miners in a particular network. Mining of modern cryptocurrencies has no value except for proof of performing work that serves as a footing for a cryptocurrency issuance and blockchain shield. Skychain will change this and make Miners perform useful work, providing computing capabilities for a neural network. Upon the fulfilment of performed work (analysis of anamnesis, referral to an additional examination, diagnosis, creation of a treatment record, as well as learning ANNs), a miner will get a share
of the cost of the provided service.
Concerning their roadmap for the next five years, Chertov said the release date is scheduled for June 2019. After that, they will keep developing the product, as the more data providers will provide their datasets – the better it is for both AI developers and consumers.
“We are glad that our holders believe in our project, no matter what,” the community Manager directed at the Skychain community. `’We are now focused on project development and we do our best to create the product that will surpass their expectations! Chain (CRO)
The Creators of MCO believe Traditional fiat payment systems are built on legacy infrastructure that makes it difficult to embrace new innovative payment forms like cryptocurrency. Moreso, their view is that existing decentralized cryptocurrency systems/blockchains are not yet efficient or customized enough to provide a good alternative to traditional fiat networks.
“ Chain seeks to address these with a high performing native blockchain solution that will drive cryptocurrency adoption globally by enabling instant crypto payment transactions,” Kris Marszalek, CEO of CRO claimed. He was of the view that the key differentiator for the Chain is its clear go-to-market strategy, which will result in rapid adoption. Chain is a ground-breaking high performing and secure public blockchain powering instant crypto payment transactions between customers and merchants, anywhere, for free. Chain will adopt Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) in its infrastructure to achieve a performant network that will target to handle 50,000 transactions per second (TPS).
Marszalek also thinks building a global payment network is a multi-year effort. There Chain rollout will happen in stages, substantially increasing the speed of adoption and lowering execution risk in four different phases of online merchants acceptance; customers paying with multiple apps; Onboarding of offline merchants and gradual network decentralization.
The CEO had this to say to his community: “Increasing the number of cryptocurrency users from 50m to 500m and more requires cryptocurrency utility beyond speculative trading. The Chain will allow anyone to pay and be paid in any crypto, anywhere, for free. It’s the critically missing piece of blockchain infrastructure that will help drive the world’s transition to crypto.”Newly Listed Coins On CMC: Introducing Kambria, Lisk Machine Learning, Machine Xchange Coin, Skychain,